How to Replace a Power Window Motor?

Replace a Power Window Motor

Replacing a power window motor involves several steps. First, disconnect the battery to avoid possible short-circuiting. Next, using a suitable screwdriver, remove the door panel and loosen various components and the connecting wires. Then, unbolt the old motor from its brackets and replace it with a new one by bolting and reconnecting the wires. Finally, the door panel must be put back together, all the attachments must be put back, and the window must be connected before connecting the battery to finish the process.

Steps to Replace a Power Window Motor

Here are the steps to take for power window motor replacement.

Step 1: Disconnect the Battery

Your safety should always be the top priority. Before beginning any work on your vehicle’s electrical system, you should do the following.

  • Turn off the ignition to ensure safety.
  • Open the hood of your car and locate the battery.
  • You should disconnect the battery’s negative terminal using a wrench to ensure you are safe from electric accidents.

Step 2: Remove the Door Panel

You’ll first need to remove the door panel to access the power window motor. This can vary slightly between vehicles, but the general process is as follows:

  • Locate and remove screws: Many cars have screws along the edges of the door panel. Check around the door handle, armrest, and at the bottom of the door for screws.
  • Remove trim panels: Use your trim removal tools to pry off any trim panels covering screws or fasteners carefully. Be careful not to damage the panel or surrounding parts.
  • Detach the door panel: After removing all the screws, carefully pull the door panel away from the frame. You may need to unscrew the panel from the door frame using a screwdriver or trim removal tool.
  • Disconnect electrical wiring: Disconnect any wiring before removing the door panel to avoid electrical issues.

Step 3: Remove the Old Power Window Motor

After removing the door panel, you can access the power window assembly, including the motor.

  • Locate the power window motor: The motor is normally located behind the metal bracket that holds the window in place, near the bottom of the door. It is generally mounted on a window regulator.
  • Unbolt the motor: The power window motor is held in place by bolts or screws. A socket wrench will come in handy when removing these bolts. You must support the window because it might remain loose after removing its motor.
  • Disconnect the electrical wiring: You might notice that the motor has an electrical connector attached. You should gently pull the connector and set it aside. You can also take a picture of the electrical connection before disconnecting to ensure you connect the new motor correctly.
  • Remove the motor: After removing the bolts and wiring, you can easily remove the motor from the door frame. You should also ensure the window is properly supported so it doesn’t fall. Use tape or a wedge to secure the window in place.

Step 4: Replace the New Power Window Motor

Now that the old motor is removed, it’s time to install the new one.

  • Position the new motor: Place the new motor in the same position as the old one. You can get help from the picture you took earlier, as mentioned in the “Disconnect the electrical wiring” point. This ensures it fits securely into its place.
  • Attach the motor: Now attach the new motor by putting bolts or screws on it. You can also use a socket wrench for tightening. However, be careful not to overtighten the motor because that may damage the components and the motor.
  • Connect the electrical wiring: Connect the electrical connectors with the new motor. Ensure the electric cables are well connected, fastened, and sealed correctly. The picture you took previously will also help you here.
  • Test the motor: Temporarily reconnect the car battery to test the motor. Once confirmed, disconnect the battery again before proceeding with reassembly. Test the new motor by pressing the window switch. The window should move up and down smoothly. Double-check the connections and ensure the motor is securely installed if it doesn’t work.

Step 5: Reassemble the Door Panel

You can reassemble the door panel after confirming the new motor is working.

  • Reinstall the door panel: Place it back on the frame, ensuring it snaps into all clips and fasteners. Press it gently onto place.
  • Reattach screws and trim: Reattach the screws you removed earlier to secure the door panel. Put back any trim or panels you removed.
  • Reconnect electrical wiring: If your vehicle has additional electrical components, such as power mirrors or locks, you should reconnect the wiring harnesses.
  • Check the window function: Once the door panel is back in place, test it again using the power window switch to ensure it operates smoothly.

Step 6: Reconnect the Car’s Battery

Lastly, reconnect the battery’s negative terminal. Before reconnecting, ensure all tools are cleared, the car is in park or neutral, and no loose components remain in the work area.

When to Replace a Power Window Motor?

If you notice some of these signs, you must replace a power window motor.

  • An Unresponsive Window: If your window does not move up and down when you press the switch, you may have a failed power window motor.
  • Slow Operation: If the window operation is slow or has difficulty going up and down, it could mean that the power motor will soon fail.
  • Grinding Noise: Sometimes, when you operate your window, you might hear strange grinding or popping sounds. This might indicate that the motor is malfunctioning or internal gears are damaged.
  • Corrosion or Damage: Another sign you should look out for is visible rust, corrosion, or damage to the motor. This can compromise function, indicating it’s time for a power window motor replacement.


To replace a power window motor, start by disconnecting the battery for safety. Remove the door panel by unscrewing it and disconnecting the electrical wiring. Next, locate and unbolt the old motor, disconnect its wiring, and remove it. Install the new motor, ensuring secure connection and operation. Finally, the door panel will be reassembled, the battery will be reconnected, and the window functionality will be tested. Replacing the power window motor is a straightforward process when you follow these steps. If you need help with the replacement or want it done by auto glass repair technicians professionally, contact Glass4Car.

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